What Year is it Mr. Wolf?

Have you ever been having a conversation about the year, or the times... and realized how much better it sounds to say, "In the 80's..." or "In the 90's..." than it does to say "In the 00's?"

I can't see this problem getting better anytime soon. Sure, the New Year is around the corner, but will it really feel right to be talking about being in the 10's?

I wonder if people in 1910 felt this way?

Will we be feeling dopey about our decade until another ten years go by and we're into the 20's? Will we call them the 'Roaring Twenties' again, or will we find some other brilliant way to refer to the times?

I don't know. I just know I never know what to say when I'm talking time with anyone... and for someone as old as me... time and waiting are just not on my side.

Please then... if you have some catchy way to solve my problem, leave it in the comments. I do hope someone answers before it's 2020...