My cold hard nipples are on Google!

naked picture of cold hard nipplesHave I got your attention?

Ah, yes. Thank you for that. I knew such a title would get someone's attention, and well, in the blog world... it is all about getting everyone's attention.

I posted this on the other fracas blog the other day, and according to my good friend Mark, apparently it's coming up in the first few slots for several searches related to nipples. Wow. I'm rather impressed. I thought I'd leave it here for the blogger-hopping fraccers. Continue reading... and enjoy!

I've been complaining recently about the cold weather here in Saskatchewan and thought it was only fair to explain some of the problems associated with really cold (okay, just use that a-word... arctic) weather. Indeed, the title is only one problem that can happen. Being naked when it's cold is just not fun. I've posted this photo of what happens to fracas when she tries to be naked in this cold.

Damn pity, isn't it? I used to think I was relatively good looking. This weather has certainly done nothing for my looks.

The CDC has a prevention guide to extreme cold weather available at their website. From it, here are some other problems associated with such cold weather. [All items below are quoted directly from their guide.]

  1. Cold weather puts an extra strain on the heart. If you have heart disease or high blood pressure, follow your doctor’s advice about shoveling snow or performing other hard work in the cold. Otherwise, if you have to do heavy outdoor chores, dress warmly and work slowly. Remember, your body is already working hard just to stay warm, so don’t overdo it.

  2. Be sure the outer layer of your clothing is tightly woven, preferably wind resistant, to reduce body-heat loss caused by wind. Wool, silk, or polypropylene inner layers of clothing will hold more body heat than cotton. Stay dry—wet clothing chills the body rapidly. Excess perspiration will increase heat loss, so remove extra layers of clothing whenever you feel too warm.

  3. Do not ignore shivering. It’s an important first sign that the body is losing heat. Persistent shivering is a signal to return indoors.

  4. Eating well-balanced meals will help you stay warmer. Do not drink alcoholic or caffeinated beverages—they cause your body to lose heat more rapidly. Instead, drink warm, sweet beverages or broth to help maintain your body temperature.

  5. Infants less than one year old should never sleep in a cold room because (1) infants lose body heat more easily than adults; and (2) unlike adults, infants can’t make enough body heat by shivering. Provide warm clothing for infants and try to maintain a warm indoor temperature.

  6. Your ability to feel a change in temperature decreases with age, and older people are more susceptible to health problems caused by cold. If you are over 65 years old, place an easy-to-read thermometer in an indoor location where you will see it frequently, and check the temperature of your home often during the winter months.

  7. If you have pets, bring them indoors. If you cannot bring them inside, provide adequate shelter to keep them warm and make sure that they have access to unfrozen water.

I'm a little bummed about #4. I may choose to ignore it. Then again, perhaps that's what's caused me to end up looking like I do in the picture?

And if anyone out there actually has any pull with Mother Nature... please ask her to lighten up a bit. It hurts a lot when the nipples break.