When does getting a body piercing lead to sex?
You're a bunch of pansies I tell you. A serious bunch of pansies.
Pansy (pan′zē)
[I actually like pansies. They're quite beautiful and they make lovely basket stuffers when planting container gardens. This shouldn't cause you to take my shock and disdain less seriously. I was hoping for an excuse to pierce something and you've all ruined that for me. I'm quite upset. I may need therapy.]
I had a poll up in the sidebar, and had asked you to vote on what body part I should have pierced. When the poll closed, you voted for fracas to pierce...
What the frac kind of readers are you anyway? Have you left your teeth in the cup by your bed; dropped your progressive lenses and couldn't tell what you were clicking?
I'm a little shocked.
So I've decided to pierce something anyway.
In the meanwhile, check out the newest poll. The results of the last poll are why I've upped the stakes. Had you not been so chicken last time, I'd not be asking you about your sex tapes. One could say then, that body piercings lead to sex. It's your fault. I'm sticking to my story.